Sunday, July 12, 2009

Cheeseburger Cupcakes

How to make cheeseburger cupcakes:
Here are the instructions I followed - link


- Use the gooiest chocolate batter you can find.

- After pouring the batter into the cupcake pans, be sure to flatten it down a bit - you want your cupcake tops to come out as flat as possible, to look convincingly like bread.

- We used Starburst to emulate cheese. The orange kind looked best.

  1. Microwave one unwrapped Starburst at a time on a plastic cutting board
  2. Depending on the strength of your microwave, time will differ. We did 6 seconds.
  3. Using your thumb, squish the Starburst flat to about a 2" diameter squarish-circle
  4. Cut the disc in quarters.
  5. At time of assembly, put the corners down, peeking out from under the "bun" top
  6. Use frosting (red for ketchup, yellow for mustard) to cover up the edges of your cheese triangles, creating the illusion that there's a big slice of cheese under there.
The whole process took us about 3 hours, but was well worth it. We brought some to our neighbors and some to a friend's house that night.

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