I received corn, eggplant, bell peppers, red tomatoes, peaches, cherry tomatoes, and edamame from The Produce Box this week. I have half a pound of green & wax beans left from last week, destined for Sunday's Wax and Green Beans with Roasted Peppers. I also have s
I'll be having tomato sandwiches for lunch this week, with lovely fresh peaches on the side.
Do you have more corn than you can use in a week? I understand... I'll be freezing the leftover corn, since there's only 2 of us. Okay, there's baby Rosie, too, but she doesn't eat corn yet.
Here's the week's menu:
WED 6/16 - Stuffed Chicken Rolls from the freezer, ready to bake; Pasta with Pesto; Fresh Cucumber Salad; Edamame.
I've never made edamame at home before; I plan to use this recipe from about.com.
I make a large batch of cucumber salad at a time, storing it in a quart Mason jar in the fridge. We'll have it throughout the week.
THU 6/17 - Appetizer: Salsa and Chips, Enchiladas from the freezer, ready to bake; Grilled Corn.
If anyone has a time-tested, homemade salsa recipe, please post it on justrightmenus.com - I'd love to learn to make my own!
FRI 6/18 - Roasted Chicken Quarters, Spring Asparagus and White Bean Salad with green & wax beans steamed & tossed in as well, Baked Red Potatoes, and Fresh Cucumber Salad.
I just wash the potatoes, prick them with a fork, and bake with the chicken while it cooks (not in the same pan).
SUN 6/20 - Eggplant Parmesan, here we come! Serve with Garlic Bread and Wax and Green Beans with Roasted Peppers.
MON 6/21 - Shepherd's Pie.
TUE 6/22 - "Prosciutto" Chicken Kabobs, Grilled Corn, Pasta Salad. If we still have eggplant, I'll cube it to add to the kabobs.
I'll grill extra corn so I can save it for a future batch of pasta salad. Just slice the kernels off the husk once the corn cools, and refrigerate or freeze in a baggie.
...now I'm off to water my basil plant, since it looks like I'll be asking a lot of it this week.
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